Monthly Archives: May 2012

Anime Oasis Prep – 5 Days Remain

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Working on Tellah from Final Fantasy 4 today. The over top is nearly done and the coat is almost half way cut out. I feel rather accomplished. ^_^

Only 5 days left until Anime Oasis. I cannot believe how fast time is flowing! It seems like just last week is was the beginning of April. Thankfully, I don’t have much to finish.  Young Rydia is all but finished except for a few details. Moonshade needs a shrug, shoes, and details. Sheryl’s dress is a simple make-it-in-an-afternoon project.

There are the few projects for friends. Tifa is finished save for the simple skirt and gloves. Histugaya’s shirt shouldn’t take more than an afternoon. Tellah has a bit more to do, but is manageable. I need to finish the under and over shirt, coat, pants, sash, shoes, wig, and beard.

If I keep my current pace, even pick up the pace a bit, I can finish on time.  ^_^  I’m really excited to see the finished projects worn at con.  Hopefully, they receive positive receptions and nice comments.  ^_^

Time to sign off until next time! It’s project time!

Kimono Making Time

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After spending the better part of a week trying to find a good tutorial on kimono making, I started work on the kimono for Susukihotaru.  It took a couple tries to get the measurements right, especially for the sleeves, but all in all it wasn’t difficult to draft.  Fortunately, sewing wasn’t difficult either. I’m pleasantly surprised the ease of  kimono making, once you get the hang of it.  I easily could finish one in an afternoon, hems and all.

Hopefully I will finish Susukihotaru completely before the blossoms leave the trees.  I would love to get photos of her with lovely pink blooms since it would match the series so well.  If not I’ll settle for a June shoot.  The roses should be in bloom then which would also fit the series.

Regardless, I’m excited to cosplay her since she is a neat character.  If all goes well, I may have a Zakuro and Riken with which to pose!  Hopefully we can find the twins, Kei, and Ganryuu as well as the rest of the side characters.  It would be great to have the full cast!

I’ll post more with what happens next.  ^_^  I apologize for the lack of posts recently.  School and life have kept me super busy.  I don’t have as much time to blog as I did in high school, but I will post when I can.

Thank you all so much for reading.  It really means a lot.  ^_^